
Flu vaccines
If you are aged 65 & over or in a clinical risk group and have not yet had your flu vaccine please contact reception to book an appointment.

Home Page

New Road Surgery – Rubery

Welcome to our surgery website – we hope you find it useful

Services you can access without a GP referral

First Contact Physiotherapist

Service for patients aged 16 and over. If you are suffering from soft tissue, muscle or joint pain call 07436797891.

Community Pharmacy

Pharmacy First Service NHS treatment for:

  • Ear infection for patients aged 1 to 17 years
  • Sore throat for patients aged 5 years and over
  • Sinusitis for patients aged 12 years over
  • Uncomplicated urinary tract infections for women aged 16-64 years
  • Infected insect bites for patients aged 1 year and over
  • Impetigo for patients aged 1 year and over
  • Shingles for patients aged 18 years and over 

The pharmacy can also help with colds and flu like symptoms, congestion, hay fever, ear wax, conjunctivitis, constipation, heartburn, indigestion, haemorrhoids.

Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System


Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System bring together information about the range of local NHS services available if you, a family member or someone you care for is unwell or injured, so that you can choose the right service for your needs, first time.

Self Referrals

Did you know that for lots of healthcare services in Herefordshire and Worcestershire you can refer yourself instead of going through your GP? By contacting the provider yourself, you don’t have to wait for a GP appointment and you can go straight to the service you need.

Antenatal Self Referral

Patient – SPA Maternity Referral Instructions to process self-referral for maternity care

If you have a positive pregnancy test you can now make your own online self-referral for your maternity care, without needing to see a doctor or nurse at the practice.

Our practice is now registered and listed on the online referral portal, so all you need to do to refer for your maternity care is visit the secure link below and provide the information requested. You’ll need your NHS number and the name of our practice, with which you must be registered.

The information you provide will be used to process your referral by both the community maternity team assigned to our practice and the booking office of your chosen hospital within Birmingham and Solihull. A copy of your referral will also be shared with us, your GP Practice, for information. 

Click on this link or type into your browser using your mobile phone or digital device (laptop/ computer) Badger Notes – Self-refer your pregnancy to BSOL LMNS – BUMP it’s quick and easy and will just take a few minutes. This link can also be used to refer a pregnancy on behalf of a woman providing you have her consent.

IMPORTANT: You need to search for the GP practice site by the POSTCODE in the drop-down list to complete your SPA portal referral. Your referral can only be processed based on the information you provide and can delay your care if incorrect information is provided.

You’ll be able to select from a number of hospitals to provide your antenatal care and for the birth of your baby; we have a number of birthing facilities:

If you would like to refer to any other hospital then please speak with your community midwife at your first ante-natal booking appointment or contact your GP.

Useful information to support you throughout your pregnancy
The Ask the Midwife – a  live zoom session hosted by consultant midwives, Health Visitors and clinical staff to answer questions on pregnancy, birth and caring for your baby.
Bump | Birmingham Women’s and Children’s
Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) a team of people who provide feedback about local maternity systems to a panel of maternity health professionals from service users on co-production to improve services.
Maternity & Neonatal Voices Partnerships – Gateway Family Services
Bump (Birmingham & Solihull United Maternity and Newborn Partnership). Uniting maternity services; in Birmingham and Solihull to improve your maternity experience. Together Bump partners offer you personalised care, with more choice about your care – for both you and your baby.
Bump | Birmingham Women’s and Children’s

The community midwifery team assigned to your GP Practice will contact you by the time you are eight to nine weeks pregnant, however if you do not hear from the team, by then, please contact the midwife directly via the details listed below:

Community Midwife Office – GHH contact details:

One of the team members will contact you once your referral is processed. If you have any technical problems using the web address please email

Local and NHS services

The surgery works in partnership with local and NHS service providers and groups.

111 is the NHS non-emergency number. It’s fast, easy and free. Call 111 and speak to a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals. They will ask you a series of questions to assess your symptoms and immediately direct you to the best medical care for you.

NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.

In case of a life-threatening emergency, please dial 999.

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Patient Participation Group

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Changes to GP appointment booking

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