ABUSE Reporting Abuse of Children or Adults At Risk & Domestic Abuse Help and Information

If You Are Worried About a Child or Young Person


If you have any concerns about a particular child or young person and feel that they may be in need of protection or safeguarding, then please contact the Access Centre on 01905 822666 from Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm.

For assistance out of office hours (5:00pm to 8:00 am weekdays and all day at weekends and bank holidays) please contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 01905 768020.http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/safeguardingchildren/


If you have any concerns about the safety and/or welfare of a child or young person telephone the Multi-Agency Safeguarding HUB (MASH) on 0121 303 1888 or e-mail MASH@birmingham.gov.uk Outside of normal office hours please call 0121 675 4806 for the Emergency Duty Team

If You Are Worried About an Adult

Do you have concerns that you, or someone that you know, is being abused or neglected: If you believe a crime has been committed call the police on 999.


If you need an urgent response please call 01905 768053.



If you think there has been a crime contact the police straightaway.

Call West Midlands Police on 0345 113 5000 or 101. From outside the West Midlands phone 0345 113 5000.

If it is not an emergency and you want to report adult abuse please call the “Adults & Communities Access Point” (ACAP) on 0121 303 1234 and press option 1 on your keypad.

In an emergency outside office hours, on weekends and during Bank Holidays phone the Emergency Duty Team on 0121 675 4806 or the police and tell them you are worried about possible adult abuse. They will then put you in touch with the right person to talk to.

The Emergency Duty Team is available at the following times:

5.15pm to 8.45am (Monday to Thursday) or 4.15pm to 8.45am (Friday to Monday)


Domestic Abuse


Worcestershire’s 24 hour Domestic Abuse Helpline 0800 980 3331

Domestic abuse support | Worcestershire County Council


If you are in immediate danger, call the police 999. The police take domestic violence very seriously, will work to make you safe and are able to refer you to other agencies who can also offer ongoing support. Refuges, providing safe accommodation across the city, can be contacted through one number: Birmingham Domestic Abuse Refuge line – 0800 111 4223. For advice, or if you’re worried about a friend, contact: Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid helpline – 0808 800 0028 The ‘National 24-hour Domestic Violence Helpline’ provides information and help for people experiencing domestic violence and their supporters, 24 hours a day 0808 2000 247. For details of other services that can help, please see Birmingham’s Directory of Services for Victims at: Home – SBP (birmingham-csp.org.uk)

For male victims of domestic violence support can be provided by Men’s Aid. They can be contacted on 01334 474348 or by e-mail support@mensaid.orgMen’s Aid is run by volunteers and is open Monday to Friday 10am-3pm.