Would you like to have a say about the services provided at New Road Surgery?
The practice Patient Participation Group is proving a huge benefit to the practice. When we make changes to the services we offer we want these to work for our patients. Having the opportunity to discuss areas with group members before and after implementing making changes has enabled us to get feedback on how things work best from a patient perspective. Sometimes we want to make changes and sometimes we have to make changes and input from group members helps to make these changes go as smoothly as possible. Group members are consulted on issues but are also encouraged to give feedback on any area that they either have concerns about or which they feel is working particularly well at the practice.
We are particularly keen to have representation from as wide a range of patients as possible. New members are always welcome. By providing your email details we can add them to our contact list that will mean we can contact you by email every now and again to ask you a question or two. Or we may ask you to take part in a practice survey.
Are you interested in leaving your email details?
Your contact details will only be used for this purpose and will be kept safely.
Please note only correspondence relating to the Patient Participation Group will be dealt with via the email address on the contact page.
If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email please click the link below to open the sign-up form and complete all the fields.